Mosquito -series

Mosquito -series in Finnish is called Itikka-series. ”Itikka” is one of the many nicknames mosquitos have in Finland. There are a total of 40 different subspecies of mosquitos living in Finland. Talking about mosquitos is one of the most common conversation topics in the summertime Finland…. Is there a lot of them this summer, where are the most mosquitos in Finland… There are even special mosquito forecasts estimating the amount of them around Finland! Mosquitoes are our “friends and enemies” – we need them to pollute berry flowers to get our tasty natural berries and as food for small birds but at the same time their sting leaves us humans with an itching mark. Finnish mosquitoes do not carry diseases so they are not harmful but sometimes very annoying… 😉
The ceramists of Bjarmia wish you joy and laughter to your moments with the mosquitoes!

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